Wow! Android Lollipop Wasteful Battery Power – Really android Lollipop breaking the cell phone battery?, Quoting from page Ubergizmo that a lot of threads about the complaint against the android operating system, especially Lollipop 5.1 wasteful battery power.

Android Lollipop Wasteful Battery Power

in one of these threads to Nexus 5 users said stated that he thought that the cause of wasteful battery power because LOLLIPOP 5.1. However, from the number of threads in the virtual world does not directly prove that lillipop indeed wasteful batteries.

Even the party itself as a google android developer has not issued any statement regarding wasteful battery power is running android gadget lollipop.

In the opinion of the World admin android itself, that the least wasteful use of battery power depends on a variety of user experience itself. Moreover, there are still many smartphones now equipped with a small battery power even if its performance requires a lot of power intake.

So is it really android Lollipop 5.1 wasteful battery power?, Of course the answer will depend on the users who already feel the gadget is embedded versions.